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<Online Chinese Opera Class for primary and middle school students>

now are available


This learning vedio is specially made by our comoany for Singapore Secondary School and Primary School students. The FHD vedios that we have specially made like <The Monkey King Borrow Treasure From Dragon Palace> <The Monkey King Borrow The Palm-Leaf Fan For Three Times> <Mask Painting> <Chinese Opera Workshop> will let the local students be able to continually learning traditional Chinese art during this special period.

Series On

The peking opera <The Monkey King Borrow Treasure From Dragon Palace> is the AEP project that has been approved by Singapore National Art Council (NAC). Through out the years, our performances and workshops has always been active in local schools and we always get the best responses from the students and the teachers every time. Due to the Covid-19, we have also followed the latest policy made by NAC which is to show the off-line activities through vedios and internet. Meanwhile, our learning vedios have not only the best teaching skills and performances but also added a lot of interactive sections.

Who May Need 

The series is specially planed for Singapore Secondary School students, Primary School students, CCA, Mother Tangue Fortnight, and other activities.

More Details

You may click the line attached bellow for the details of the guideline and also you are very welcomed to call us.


Performances in School AEP


Children peking operas <The Monkey King Borrow Treasure From Dragon Palace>, <The Monkey King Borrow The Palm-Leaf Fan For Three Times>, <Monkey Subdues White-Skeleton Demon>, <Attacking the Heavenly Palace> are the performances performed by Singapore Chinese Art Centre for kids and teenagers. Each performance has been specially designed from stage, light, sound, costume, props, dialogs and fighting. It is the combine of trodation and contemporary. Funny performing style and exciting fighting scene make them become the favorite permances. The performances are suitable for Singapore Secondary School and Primary School AEP, Mother Tongue Fortnight, Celebration Events, Annual Ceremony ect...

Enjoy the allowance

Schools may use the Tote Board Arts Grant to subsidise the programme cost. There is a subsidy of up to 50% of the programme cost for mainstream schools, and up to 70% of the programme cost for Special Education Schools.

The Tote Board Arts Grant is not applicable to pre-schools. NAC partners selected pre-school centres to receive funding to purchase Pre-School AEP.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Pri - Lower / Pri - Upper

LANGUAGE: Mandarin (Can play English subtitles)



Chinese Opera Workshop

Event Process


Shown by SCAC professional teachers

Little Knowledges of Opera

Explained by SCAC profession teachers

Shown by Teachers

Our teacher will show the opera foundations like movments, weapons, kicking and turning


Students will be invited to the stage to learn the foundations in order to make the students experience and enjoy the opera

Quiz With Prizes

The little knowledges will be tested. Students with faster speed and correct answer will be given small souviners provided by our company


Taking Photos

After the events, all the students and teachers can take a photo with our performers 

Enjoy the allowance

Schools may use the Tote Board Arts Grant to subsidise the programme cost. There is a subsidy of up to 50% of the programme cost for mainstream schools, and up to 70% of the programme cost for Special Education Schools.

The Tote Board Arts Grant is not applicable to pre-schools. NAC partners selected pre-school centres to receive funding to purchase Pre-School AEP.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Pri - Lower / Pri - Upper

LANGUAGE: Mandarin (Can play English subtitles)

DURATION: 45-90min

Book Online

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© 2019. by Singapore Chinese Arts Centre Pte Ltd

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